Monday, July 26, 2010

Police Restraint Disappeared

Facebook Post Saturday, September 26, 2009 at 2:22pm

Well, after stressful days for our law enforcers, once the G-20 leaders and most out-of-town G-20 protestors were gone the police seem to have lost patience and gone WAY overboard! Last night a large crowd of students in Schenley Plaza (outside the main library and museum complex between the Pitt and CMU campusses) were told that it was an unlawful gathering, and the result was that students were gassed, shot with rubber bullets, and arrested. Students trying to get away could not do so fast enough to avoid the onslaught. Many were held on busses all night at SCI (the old Western Penitentiary) and are now either being arraigned and released there or most are being taken from there to ACJ to be processed/arraigned and hopefully released. There are likely many students from Pitt (University of Pittsburgh) in this bunch who probably have never been arrested in anything like this before, were not intending to get arrested, and will need support.
If you are reading this in Pittsburgh and would like to help with food, warmth, listening ears, help filling out forms, etc. please call the PGRP Legal Hotline.

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